
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Relationship before married ?

Maybe you all are very well-known about it, right ?
For me,
Love somebody is actually nice,
Because love will make you become a good person,
That you haven't notice about the changes of your attitude when you with your love,
Suddenly changes ?
Wow, love is amazing, right ?
Impressive !

For me,
Relationship before married is okay,
But it's quite boring,
Because you actually are not know him/her well,
Because you are not always with him/her,
You still don't know about their weaknesses,
Their strength,
Maybe, the first time you meet him/her,
You look him is a gentleman,
But, after you married with him,
He's actually scared to cockroach.
What is all up ? 
Is he cute with that expression ?
And you are actually shocked with that situation ?

From that,
You will realize that you still have to learn to know him/her more,
You will do anything she/he like,
And you will avoid what she/he doesn't like,
And I believe that,
You are really excited to explore more about your partner,

When you just couple with him/her,
I know that you think maybe your relationship is just for a while,
No, no guarantee,
Whether you married with him/her or not,
You not know who is your spouses, right ?

If you are married with your spouse,
Actually you will think that she/he is your fate,
And you will think that you must live forever with her/him,
So,I know that you try to love him/her for the rest of your life,
And you will do all works together,
And try to understand each other well,
You will build a very happy family together,
And after married,
You automatically be a mature person, right ?
That's different between relationship before and after married,
You want  the GUARANTEE relationship ?
Think about that MORE, okay ?


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