
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Still Homesick ?

Today,I think I want to write this blog in Malay,
I feel lazy to perah otak to make a sentence in English,
I think, I still homesick until now,
why aku selalu rase macam tu ea ?
Aku tgk org lain mcm relaks je duduk sini,
mcm nothing's happened,
macam "krik,krik,krik"
ke dorang sorok perasaan homesick tu,

Walaupun rumah aku mmg dekat sgt dr ukm nie,
Tapi aku ttp rase homesick tu,
Aku juga pernah blaja utk 'anggap' kwn2 aku tu mcm siblings aku,
sbb ade 1 cerita cina tu ckp,
"siblings tu bkn hnye siblings sbenar kita,tp adlh org yg berada di sekeliling kita"
But I still can't,
Mereka mmg xsama mcm siblings aku, family aku,
Bila aku dengan family aku,
Aku sangat bising sbenarnya,
Dan gila2 mungkin,
Dan aku jadi diri aku sndri,
Aku rase sgt seronok bila berada di rumah,
Tak tahu knpe bile dgn kwn2 aku mcm malu2 pulak,
Aku rase xseronok utk buat bnde2 tu sume,

Aku rase takut aku akan sakitkan hati mereka,
Aku rase yg mereka mungkin tak akan suka cara aku kot,
Perasaan xseronok tu mmg terserlah,
kadang2 aku malas nak pikir bnde2 nie sume,
buang masa aku je kot kan,
tapi kadang2 terpikir pulak daa,
haisy, xtahu nape,
mngkin aku rase bosan kot,
malas la nak pikir,
yang penting,
aku ttp ade family aku,
Aku masih berpeluang jadi dri sndri dgn family aku.

Aku akan cuba utk menganggap kwn aku mcm family aku,
Aku cuba,
Tapi kwn2 aku sume mmg baik2,
Aku pun sayang dorang,
Tapi mungkin xsama mcm mane aku buat kat family aku,

Bila kwn aku buat salah,
Aku tak berani nk tegur sgt,
Aku just ckp "semua mnsia buat salah"
mungkin cara aku tu tunjukkkan yg aku xsygkan mereka,
sbb aku tak bagitau mereka salah mereka sbenarnya,
Tapi aku takot kot,
sbb aku tak rapat ngan mereka.

tapi,kalo ngan family,
mungkin aku akan ckp "kau pikir bagus la kau buat mcm tu? "
Lebih kurang mcm tu la kot,
Haha, ganas x bunyinya ?
Aku macam direct to the point je la,
Adik aku pun pernah ckp,
Cara aku ngan kakak aku bg nasihat mcm lelaki,
Dia ckp kitorang kakak yg 'gengster' mungkin,
Dia sronok ade kakak mcm kitorang,
Yang perangai tak mcm perempuan yg lain,
Mungkin kitorang sekepala kot,
Haisy, mcm tu pulak..
mungkin sbb siblings aku 2perempuan,5lelaki,
sbb tu effect hidup aku sikit kot,
kitorang takde la perangai mcm lelaki sgt,
mungkin org tgk kitorang mcm xde prasaan,
sbb kitorang slalu ckp "malas la nak pikir bnde2 simple mcm nie "
pastu nampak mcm cool kot,

Aku rase org yg plg aku rapat ialah emak dan kakak aku,
dulu kan,
masa aku kat matrik,
mase kakak aku dpt tawaran blaja kat perlis pun aku da nangis giler2,
hilang cool aku,
pastu kakak aku pun sanggup balik bangi balik sbb aku,
Lepas seminggu da sampai sana,
sume sbb aku nangis,
aku pun tak tahu nape aku nangis giler2,
padahal umur da 18tahun time tu,
mungkin aku sayang sangat kat kakak aku,
dan bila matrik ade study week,
spatutnya dilarang balik tau,
aku ngan geng kembar aku(maya tasha),
kitorang balik senyap2 la, apalagi kan,
macam xbiasa pulak,
nyorok kat blakang kereta,
bila sampai kat pintu masuk depan,kitorang tunduk skit la,
pak cik guard bukan check pun,
kebetulan kitorang mmg kwn dri skola rendah lg,
jadi agak sekepala,
dan aku sayang sgt kwn kembar aku tu,
aku buat semua nie semata2 nak jumpa kakak aku la,
mmg nampak macam aku buat sst yg paling bodoh dlm hidup aku kan,
tapi masa tu aku ckp "peduli ape aku kot "

Dalam rumah aku ade 2 orang yg pandai back-up family,
kakak aku ngan adik aku,
kalo org kutuk2 family,
Dorang kutuk orang tu balik depan2,
sape suruh kutuk orang kan ?
aku akan sntiasa rase dilindungi,

abah aku seorang yang rajin bekerja,
abah mmg kuat,
jarang la dengar abah kata penat,
abah tetap cool,
abah mmg suka bagi nasihat,
dan abah cepat giler bersiap2 utk pegi keja,
padahal kitorang anak2nye mmg suka dtg lambat ke skolah dulu,
nampak xperbezaannye di situ,
dan abah slalu peluk aku kalau aku ade mslh.

emak pulak comel,
abah pun comel,
emak suka membebel,
sebab anak2nya suka sangat cari pasal,
tapi mak seorang yang ceria,
mak slalu kacau kitorang,
lagi2 bila nak bangun tido tu,
mmg seronok la,
pastu mak masak sedap sangat,
sebenarnya aku xpandai masak sgt,
tapi aku still dlm process nak blaja bnde2 tu,
biasa la org jarang duduk rumah, haha,
(jangan heboh2kan ea, malu kot, haha)
aku kan cepat pelupa sikit,
jadi aku akan tulis sume bahan2 yg nak dimasak tu dlm buku,
mak bising,
mak kata tengok je, nanti ingatla,
tapi aku ttp berdegil nak tulis,
kadang2 mak suruh aku pegi blender,
jadi aku tak nampak la ape bahan yg mak masukkan dlm periuk,
tertinggal satu 'sesi pembelajaran',
mak saje je...uhuhu...
sedih aku..

kitorang adik beradik mmg bising,
lagi2 kalau masa nak balik kampung,
bising giler dlm kereta, haha,
bila jalan bengkang bengkok tu,
sbenarnya agak seram nak lalu situ,
tapi kitorang seronok pulak berhimpit2 dlm kereta tu,
Nampak x ketidak kematangannya di situ,
pastu, kitorang slalu makan sesama,
Lebih2 lg YOGURT yg besar tu,
kongsi ramai2 mmg sronok.
panjang pulak aku tulis kali nie,
samada aku tak perlu perah otak tulis dlm english, ataupun,
aku rase excited sangat cerita pasal family aku,
hilang sikit rase homesick aku kot,
ok, nanti aku cerita lagi ea pasal diri aku,
In Shaa Allah, kalau aku rase nak tulis,
ok, bye...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Relationship before married ?

Maybe you all are very well-known about it, right ?
For me,
Love somebody is actually nice,
Because love will make you become a good person,
That you haven't notice about the changes of your attitude when you with your love,
Suddenly changes ?
Wow, love is amazing, right ?
Impressive !

For me,
Relationship before married is okay,
But it's quite boring,
Because you actually are not know him/her well,
Because you are not always with him/her,
You still don't know about their weaknesses,
Their strength,
Maybe, the first time you meet him/her,
You look him is a gentleman,
But, after you married with him,
He's actually scared to cockroach.
What is all up ? 
Is he cute with that expression ?
And you are actually shocked with that situation ?

From that,
You will realize that you still have to learn to know him/her more,
You will do anything she/he like,
And you will avoid what she/he doesn't like,
And I believe that,
You are really excited to explore more about your partner,

When you just couple with him/her,
I know that you think maybe your relationship is just for a while,
No, no guarantee,
Whether you married with him/her or not,
You not know who is your spouses, right ?

If you are married with your spouse,
Actually you will think that she/he is your fate,
And you will think that you must live forever with her/him,
So,I know that you try to love him/her for the rest of your life,
And you will do all works together,
And try to understand each other well,
You will build a very happy family together,
And after married,
You automatically be a mature person, right ?
That's different between relationship before and after married,
You want  the GUARANTEE relationship ?
Think about that MORE, okay ?



7 weeks in UKM ?

UKM is not my first choice at UPU,
But I still feel grateful entered to this university,
Because it is really near to my house
It's hard for me to accept UKM in my life,
Because I actually feel very stressed in here,
I have to do all the things alone,
I have to rush to do my assignment,
I have to sit for 3 hours for one class,
The most important thing is,
Without a laptop,
I don't know about any activities in iFolio,
I just know a new information from my friends,
Maybe it's my mistake,
I'm not hard-working to go to PTSL,
I have to work hard,
To survive here,
I'm not meant that I hate UKM,
But,I still need time to love it,
I still learn it,
As people said,
It's difficult to accept a new things in our life,
And I also do the same thing,
UKM is innocent,
This is all started on me,
I'm the one who is not teach myself to love it,
But I know,
One day,
I will love it so much,
Maybe,I still haven't found true and best friends here,
Which can give me strength,
And I know,
One day,
Allah will give me a true and best friends,
And I also hope that I can become a good friend,
I know,
Have many friends are good,
But a true and best friend is difficult to find,
But I tried to make myself feel happy here,
Because I know,
This is the place where I should understand,
How the buddies is.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


in this world,
no one is really clever,
no one is really stupid,
this is because,
the clever can be stupid,
the stupid can be clever,
who knows ?
this is all fate !

electric is important !

that was my wonderful day in UKm,
on the evening,
around 3pm, maybe, i forgot,
i slept alone in my room,
because i don't have any classes,
but why i feel unhappy to continue my sleep,
sweat started flowing on my forehead,
so, i wiped it,
I'm asking to myself,
why today is so hot ?
I'm all muddled up !
my eyes staring at the fan,
"why you are not move ?"
"hey, move ! move ! "
"i still wait for you,my lovely fan ."
but, nothing happened.
the fan is not moving,
"i hate you, fan"
hey ,what's going on ?
who switch off that fan ?
"Ash..!" i cried.
"please don't bother my sleep!"
no one will hear it.
ash...!who cares,right ?
so, i sitting on the edge of my bed,
i still blur,
i rubbing my eyes,
i stand up, i went out from my room,
i never thought to check the switch,
i went to the toilet,

in toilet, i wash my face,
then, back to my room,
i look around,
and, i looked at another room,
who opened their door,
i looked  at their fan,
their fan also didn't move,
like my fan,
'now i understand why ... ' i whispered.
i nodded my head, three times,
blackout back again ?
oh no !
how can i do my assignment ?
how can i charges my phone ?
how can i do all my work ?
when night comes,
it's getting dark !
now, i'm realize,
the electric actually important in my life !
i have to appreciate it !
i will not waste an electric again !
thanks a lot, electric,
you always make my life easy and comfortable,
and now,
i hope you still with me again,
please, come back to my life, electric,
come back to ukm,
we are really need you !
we love you !

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Those people who can admit their own flaws (kekurangan). Then, they will find various alternatives to improve their weaknesses.

This is called maturity.

Pros and Cons of Media Social


  1. To strengthen the relationship with our friends whether they are our new or old friends.
  2. To fill our leisure time.
  3. Can help learning sessions at school or university level.
  4. Can find information on current issues.
  5. Can make money and develop the business.

  1. Making people engrossed. ( leka )
  2. Become a place to express grievance.( rasa tak puas hati )
  3. There is a place where too many people are cheated.
  4. The spreading of bad knowledge.
  5. Apply the invasion ( pencerobohan ) of account.